Chennai: Tension prevailed among engineering students and their parents on Friday when the lorry transporting bundles of answersheets of B.E/B.Tech exams conducted by Anna University for students of its affiliated colleges were found strewn all over the bridge opposite the IIT campus here. The university clarified that the answer sheets were from 2014. Several motorists who drove on the bridge picked up the answer sheets, thinking they were this year’s.
The picture of the answer sheets lying on the bridge went viral on several Whatsapp groups, creating panic among students and their parents as this year’s exam had got over in May and the results were yet to be announced. Policemen stationed at IIT-Madras also alerted Anna University officials about the bundles lying on the bridge.
Asked about the incident, Anna University registrar S. Ganesan said the answer sheets were for exams conducted in 2014 and were being transported from the university godown to Tamil Nadu Newsprint Papers Limited’s factory at Karur for recycling.
“When we came to know about the incident, we immediately contacted TNPL officials who picked up the scattered answer papers, loaded them again on to the lorry and sent them to the factory,” he said.
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